The biggest, most heinous betrayal and deception and stupidity in the history of discos and deejays. This criminal story was perpetrated by several nasty, absolutely bad American egoists. The consolation is that all of us pioneers will soon die anyway (half have already passed away) and we will be left with young and enlightened people looking for the truth in various sources and not those of scammers !! :-) The world has always stopped correct history. This will also be the case here. The crooks will end up where they belong - in hell !!
to understand all clear you have to know base of this affair:
!! Do not be stupid and naive
- they 'legends of vinyl' (LOV) / luis orellana and his mob of crooks
simply cheat / full pioneers as you !!
the trick is ...
they use well known disco era
artist and deejay names
to steal fame of and put on them ?
Those people / disco pioneers below collaborate with 'legends of vinyl' ('LOV') crooks, swindlers disco history criminals !!
They all are well informed by me about whole affair (published on this blog)
and they pretend deaf and blind ...
They took or take a part in the disco history false creation and support crooks, swindlers ! This is real support of criminals !
They simply do party with 'LOV' crooks together over the crime against real disco history these 'LOV' crooks, swindlers do !
I do not see any proper behavior on their part - just the opposite. They react by a furious attack on me - a pioneer of disco deejay, the author of a gigantic book on the history
of discos, DISCO HISTORY GUARD - just because I dared tell them
about the scandal / affair ??!
Proper reaction, behavior of them should be:
resign of any kind of cooperation / collaboration with 'LOV' crooks !
do return(!!) 'LOV' cheap, plastic, crap plaques to me - then real evidence they / you did it, because I'll do and publish pix with ME(!) this plaque ...
inform other about swindles these crooks, swindlers do against us !
Who of you listed below / OF THE PICTURES VISIBLE BELOW - is brave enough
to finish this ugly-cruel affair and finish to support crooks, swindlers,
false disco history creators - 'LOV' ??
see disco history criminals collaborators under this link:
It is total-max-dishonor to be part of / or collaborate any way to crooks, swindlers of 'legends of vinyl' !!
I understand some artists, deejays, producers, etc. (especially those of the past) are sick for public attention, recognition, congratulations, awards, glamor, etc. But you can not collaborate anyone who "ask you" and give you sh*t "award" - worthy nothing ! ------>> what looks like poor corruption !!
I understand to get award of Record Co., RIAA, Billboard magazine, MTV, Grammy, etc. - but to get one of well known worldwide (thanks me) crooks and swindlers ??
It is same as to get award of gangsta nazi or anything like this !!
Do not sell your good name and fame to crooks and swindlers for sh*t !! You are over such crooks "awards", etc. !!
!! shame-shame-shame - COLLABORATION WITH ‘LEGENDS OF VINYL’ (“LOV”) – crooks swindlers organization which do false disco history !!
Probably not your fault. You have been tricked into this affair because crooks, swindlers of 'LOV' pretend to be friends of disco history. BUT reality is – they accept one and remove and persecute another !!
Right now you do collaborate to disco history criminals !! They can remove of the disco history anyone of you same as they removed some of us !!
Fact of today is - we disco pioneers got glory and honor being "inducted" to The Library of Congress – USA in DISCO HALL OF FAME created by great Marty Angelo. Now, led by swindlers and criminals 'LOV' caused that we lost this glory and honor, because Library of Congress removed us !!
!! luis orellana and 'LOV' "directors" are guilty !! they did sooooo-many swindles and falsifications that The Libracy of Congress coudn't tollarate and ignore longer ...
IT IS SOOO HUGE SHAME AND DISHONOUR FOR DISCO PIONEERS !! They (artists, DJs, producers, etc.) looks like total idiots and moron, imbecils ignore such situation and collaborate to 'LOV' !!
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