The biggest, most heinous betrayal and deception and stupidity in the history of discos and deejays. This criminal story was perpetrated by several nasty, absolutely bad American egoists. The consolation is that all of us pioneers will soon die anyway (half have already passed away) and we will be left with young and enlightened people looking for the truth in various sources and not those of scammers !! :-) The world has always stopped correct history. This will also be the case here. The crooks will end up where they belong - in hell !!
to understand all clear you have to know base of this affair:
to understand all clear you have to know base of this affair:
!! Do not be stupid and naive
- they 'legends of vinyl' (LOV) / luis orellana and his mob of crooks
simply cheat / full pioneers as you !!
you do fun-parties guys over the crime against disco history
these 'legends of vinyl' crooks, swindlers do !!
you do fun-parties guys over the crime against disco history
these 'legends of vinyl' crooks, swindlers do !!

They DO sell heart and soul for piece of fame echo …
- my correspondence with real and great disco era star deejay Tom Savarese -
I asked question to Tom Savarese, because he accepted to be part of the LUIS ORELLANA 'legends of vinyl' affair 2018:
for:Tom Savarese
date:25 sept 2018, 01:48
-did you got you crap, plastic plaque of 'legends of vinyl' crooks Tom ? send me picture, please :-)
-did you met them / crooks, swindlers face to face ? I do not see you on pictures of the "party".
-or they will send you crap-plaque by post ?
They DO sell heart and soul for piece of fame echo …
- my correspondence with real and great disco era star deejay Tom Savarese -
- my correspondence with real and great disco era star deejay Tom Savarese -
... answer for above letter to me ...
I lived oppressive communist regime back in early '70 Poland - when popularise American music was reason to die of Secret Political Police hands, because deejay work was total against communist ideology and “destroy” young people mentality.
Well, but I was very interested about USA and UK deejays, artists, music, contacts, cooperation anyway and I red about you Tom but never ever single word about orellana. As Denise wrote to me "he was poor deejay back then but he was as many other at low level and she served her Salsoul records same as to you or me.
I do not want you "I cannot be angry at someone because other people are." Not this way Tom.
Other people angry on him because he harmed them unnecessarily in a very stupid way!
See how much public opinion damage I did against him and 'LOV' by publish "truth behind the scene" - because he attack me and removed of 'DJ Hall of Fame' he even not created. He got 'list' from Marty Angelo under precise conditions and he broke all the rules / agreement. Such kind of people are worse on planet Earth. They are trouble makers / create problems among us - conflicts and wars ...
He did what I published on my blog clear as facts and this is the reason to not like, respect
and not cooperate with him smallest way !
It is max strange for me all those deejays, artists go as deaf and blind along with him (I informed all of them many times about affair he did) and they accept his worthy nothing plastic crap, cheap plaques instead of tell him - OK jerk - we understand your plans and dreams BUT first do clear situation / dirt you did so much to other pioneers.
Not many react like this, I mean proper way ...
People like them / same mentality as these supported Adolf Hitler in '30 Germany or Josef Stalin in '40 East Europe.
Germans did not care about Jude tragedy because of egoist reason - same repeated communist area
under Stalin murder-regime. Orellana and 'LOV' not the same ofcourse. They are not mass killers BUT precise same primitive, egoist, stupid mentality create wrong / evil !!
They and their collaborators - are serious pathology-sick of public attention, echo of the fame or something. They think maybe come back to the market. Forget it !! They all are past / history and decided (on the end of their live) to put dirt on their biography by collaboration with this 'LOV' crooks, swindlers ... They ready to sell, heart and soul for piece of fame echo !! They are people without honor today - egoists with nose still up in the clouds whose were great part of the disco era but are part of total sh*t today and what I save and publish worldwide this way for good:
A lot of disco era stars / pioneers do not collaborate with orellana-'LOV' = crooks, swindlers, disco history criminals. Below disco pioneers are high level honor people:
* Nile Rogers do not (opposite to his background singing chicas of the past)
* Tom Moulton do not
* Nicky Siano do not
* Grace Jones do not
* Valerie Simpson
* Chaka Khan do not
* Jackson family artists do not
* Diana Ross do not
... just mention a few

they collaborate to disco history
criminals, swindlers, crooks
and simply became same
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